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Recent content by f2bthere

  1. f2bthere

    help me please!!!!

    The last one looks like a long exposure and the others look like multiple exposures. It may be easier to do this in camera. You can also take more than one picture and place each on its own layer in a single image in photoshop. It is often helpful to have your camera on a tripod for this...
  2. f2bthere

    Basics to achieve great photographs

    What Tom said :) Neutral gradient filters are like sunglasses that are darker on the top and lighter on the bottom. The better the quality, the less likely they are to affect color (that is, to be truly "neutral") and the less likely they are to affect picture quality. Having said that, you...
  3. f2bthere

    A newbie in making

    One of the challenges starting out is that you don't know what tool might help with what you are working on. The program is so vast, it's hard to know what tools are most worth learning for photographers, which ones are more for graphic designers, etc. It's also hard when you are starting out...
  4. f2bthere

    How has this effect been done?

    Start with good lighting :). It would be hard to get to this result from a poorly lit shot.
  5. f2bthere

    What you listening to while you create?

    Vocals are often too distracting for me, too. Recently, classical guitar has been good. Movie soundtracks are often good. "Merry Christmas, Mr Lawrence" "The Mission" The Bourne movies.
  6. f2bthere

    Good books/other ways for learning professional Photoshop compositing?

    For what it's worth, I think it's a very good idea to figure out if the person you are learning from makes prints of their work, preferably big ones. Why? Because prints reveal the quality (or lack of quality) much more readily than images on screen. Some gifted artists develop photoshop...
  7. f2bthere

    Good books/other ways for learning professional Photoshop compositing?

    From firsthand experience, I can recommend Lynda.com. There are several videos on compositing, including some by artists who use compositing in their work. If you sign up for a month, I suggest you also watch the documentary on Jerry Uelsmann and Maggie Taylor (both established compositing...
  8. f2bthere

    Can anyone please tell me how to make this vintage photo effect

    I'm glad the dremmel solution worked. My father was into photography. It rubbed off on my mother (and many others whose lives he touched over the years) and she set up a darkroom in our house. So I wish I could also claim my finger never got near the lens, but in the case of the phone, I must...
  9. f2bthere

    Basics to achieve great photographs

    With cameras of the day, setting the lens at f8 would mean most stuff would be in focus and the combination of film and flash bulb could adequately get the picture. At f64 (an even bigger number), everything is pretty much in focus. F8 was a "good enough" compromise. Translation: as the f...
  10. f2bthere

    Can anyone please tell me how to make this vintage photo effect

    I don't follow phone tech super carefully, either ;). I consider the phone a visual notepad. Tom, $5 says you have your phone in a case or a finger too close to your flash when you tried taking a picture with the flash :). Try it with just the phone and pay attention to finger placement or...
  11. f2bthere

    Basics to achieve great photographs

    Most modern cameras that most people use have smaller sensors (phones being the most common camera and the smallest sensor) and the smaller the sensor, the shorter the lens for any given field of view. This means that for a given aperture you get much greater depth of field (more is in focus)...
  12. f2bthere

    Lighting effects.

    My mistake. I edited my post to add the word "strip." I was still thinking about the strip box and failed to be clear. Tom is also right about power. If you are in a controlled studio or garage, they can be a main light. They will not compete with daylight and in many circumstances, can be...
  13. f2bthere

    Basics to achieve great photographs

    @Tom Mann: As Fate would have it, F8's my Dad. I do place more emphasis on fast glass, but family get togethers have always been Civil, no wars. Daddy has sadly passed on, but it's probably just as well--sensors have gotten so small that being there is often enough. Cell phones these days have...
  14. f2bthere

    Where to start

    Outdoors in full shade (no bits of brighter light filtering through as sometimes happens with trees) is your easiest solution. Add a reflector and shine a little extra light on your subjects can help. 5 in 1 reflectors are cheap on Amazon.com and give you several options. White tends to be the...
  15. f2bthere

    I have 2 to nail this style

    Before you run out and buy a pair of soft boxes, play with what you have and see how you like it. If the octa box is big, I would start with it right behind you. The effect, including the catch light in the eye will be similar. From there, adjust your subject's distance from the background to...