No worries.
...So frustrated at myself...
We've all been there, Adobe products are frustrating regardless.
...I'm learning how to use it but there are so many things I don't know that my use is quite clunky!..
Not a problem, we all had to start somewhere.
...When you say use image size, will that change the whole thing (canvas as well) or will I need to change the canvas size then the image? (Can you tell I'm not that well versed in photoshop!)...
Yes, it relates to the whole canvas, and the layers within it, you won't need to do anything else.
In Elements the route is slightly different, IMAGE > RESIZE > IMAGE SIZE, but the principle is the same.
...Didn't know that a view-print view option existed so that's a plus!!...
The 'Print View' option can be seen in the video, just below the 'Window' and 'Help' menu items.
In PS you have to set your preferences correctly for it to work, I assume Elements is the same.
You need to make sure that the 'Screen Resolution' setting is correct for your monitor....otherwise the 'Print View' display size of the image will not be correct.
...I am using photo shop elects by the way, will this method still work...
I assume you mean Elements but yes, it appears so. (Thanks Ged).
As a little added info, don't think of digital images in terms of physical linear 'size', A3, A4, Letter etc etc. ANY digital image can be ANY size.....when PRINTED. The key word here is printed....Adobe doesn't make it clear but some options relate to the 'Printed' version of an image, especially when talking about 'Size'. Thats all well and good but if you never intend the image to ever be printed then all that can be ignored, it just doesn't apply. The trick then is to figure out what you can safely ignore...unfortunately that only comes with experience.
Instead, always think of digital images in terms of PIXELS. They are the most important thing. From an image of 'W x H' pixels you can create, (save out as), any sized image you want, or of several different sizes if you need to...say in different formats, (jpg, png, gif etc), or for different devices, all from the one larger 'PSD' working document.
When it comes to printing you define the 'Printed' size, (A5 or A3 or whatever), by changing the 'Resolution' setting of the image until you have the correct size...
OR... change the image size setting which will calculate the Resolution for you. This method may reveal, as in your case, that there just aren't enough pixels in the image to be printed at the size AND resolution you require....only one or the other can ever be correct. The only way around this problem is to up-scale the image, (add pixels to), so that there ARE enough pixels to satisfy the above.
Of course up-scaling is really a last resort but you know that already.
If creating an image from scratch, always do so with the biggest canvas size you can comfortably get away with, this will be system dependant but never cut yourself I said above you can OUTPUT to whatever size you want at the end but you need enough pixels there to do it.