I left the image in the RGB mode.
The first thing I did was to desaturate the image using IMAGE > ADJUSTMENTS > BLACK & WHITE. I use this so I can achieve the best possible contrast from the image.
Next I added a color fill adjustment layer set to the (Pantone 712C) RGB values of R:252 G:207 B:166
I set this layers blending mode to COLOR.
(note: You could probably get away without using this step, I did it to get the color closer to what I needed it to be)
This was the result...
This color is of course off so I needed to adjust it.
On a new layer, I created a rectangle using the Rectangle Tool set to shape and the color to the same RGB values of the color fill layer, to be R:252 G:207 B:166
I will use this rectangle as a sample.
I then used the Color Sampler Tool to sample the color of the rectangle and the color of the fabric.
This was my reading on the info panel. Point #1=rectangle and Point #2=fabric.
I then added a Curves adjustment layer.
Just like the PTC video, I used the image adjustment tool of the curves panel and sampled from the 2nd point located on the fabric while I held the shift key + Cntrl/Cmd key.
This created point on the RGB channels.
I then went through the red, green, and blue channels and set the output to correspond with the RGB colors of the rectangle (1st point).
I set the red 252
I set the blue to 207
I set the green to 166
I made a few adjustments and this was the final color of the adjusted image.
My contrast was a little light.
So I added another curves adjustment layer and pulled down the darks.
I changed its layer mask to black.
I then used the Brush Tool set to white and a nice soft brush to brush back in some of the darker areas on the second curves adjustment layers layer mask.
Here is the final image with the rectangle for comparison.