....extra frames and a copy of Layer 1 at the top of the stack....
AH HAH! THAT's IT! ....Paul! IamSam!.....
See, I am working with a cinemagraph that is
already made. Not from a video, and not from a couple or four frames. I am starting out with 150 frames already masked. (Opening this Note 4 phone creation in PS, then saving it, discarded the still image background, and all I got was one frame of the still and 149 frames of masked motion.
Reading you guys' chat gave me an idea. I added a duplicate of the original still 'to the top of the stack', then selected the area masked on all the rest of the frames, and erased a hole in the newly duplicate still frame. Plays and saves perfectly. Then I did the adjustment layers, also on the top of the stack. Perfect!
Now I can take what my phone made, make adjustments, and SAVE it!
I am not sure if it is my unfamiliarity with this whole process, or a handicap I inherited (since the GIF was
already made by the phone app).
Even if this is a workaround, it's not difficult. Add a duplicate, make adjustments and save. Bingo!
(Remember, for me this exercise is just to learn the process. I made some slight (almost unnoticeable) adjustments and saved it. Yay)
oops - wrong thread - I'll leave this post up anyway as it helped me learn more about this process and solve my own issue