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Advertising help (LED sign).

Dave Nichols

Hello everyone,

New to Photoshop (aside from a couple semesters of high school back in the late 90s). Our business recently purchased a new sign that includes a 64" (height) by 112" (width) LED display that has 20 MM pixel pitch. It is capable of playing video and it has pretty decent picture quality.

For high end promotions we still plan on using their design team for things, but we do not want to use them for everything as their charge is pretty steep. We want to be able to make some quality images ourselves and we've already designed some by hand (it took the company months to come out and install).

Our main issue right now is that when we create images on Photoshop, we are not using the correct blend of pixels/resolution to generate a good picture. Can anyone recommend a good starting point for us creating new images and videos for our advertising? Any advice in general would be greatly appreciated, thank you for your time.

Best regards,
New poster, soon to be frequent flier.
Create size dimension 64"X 112" a very high-resolution 300 or more it sounds to me that your document sizes are too small
Sorry, I posted the additional (key) information right as you posted. Would that not put me over my 5 MB threshold?

Thanks in advance.
lol yup....way over

Any advice with that stipulation in place? Do you think it's set up to make it nearly impossible for us to put quality images up and it forces us to use their services for all of our graphic needs?

Some images I have found online and uploaded that is about our business have looked great and been under 5 MB, but I have not found the correct balance of creating my own images in regards to resolution and the h/w ratio.

Thanks in advance.
You need to find out what type of files will be accepted, this sounds like an illustrator job to me
You need to find out what type of files will be accepted, this sounds like an illustrator job to me

Supported file extensions are: .bmp, .gif,.jpg,.jpeg,.lbm,.miff,.pct,.pict,.png, .px,.pxr,.raw,.tga,.tiff,.xbm,.xcf,.flv, .3gp,.wmv,.avi,.m1v,.m2v,.fla,.m4v,.mkv, .wrap,.mng,.mov,.mpeg,.mpg,.mpe,.nsv,.rm, .mp4,.swf
.bmp .gif .jpg .jpeg .lbm .miff .pct .pict .png .px .pxr .raw .tga .tiff .xbm .xcf .flv .3gp .wmv .avi .m1v .m2v .fla .m4v .mkv .wrap .mng .mov .mpeg .mpg .mpe .nsv .rm .mp4 .swf

Above are all the listed file formats accepted. It is set up through a Cloud-esque interface.
The Open Cloud Computing Interface, is beyond my knowledge sounds interesting but something I have never studied
I guess the low-resolution might help in this case....... I'm not qualified to help in this area, sorry but I'm sure somebody will show up with an answer good luck
Obviously the correct way to do this is to ask the manufacture what type of file should be sent to it including what size.

However if I had to guess, although this isn't necessary, the safest bet (at least for initial tests like this) would be a very low resolution file, meaning low as in the number of pixels in each direction. Just so I can do numbers in my head, let's imagine the pixel pitch was 25 mm between pixels, not 20 mm. This means that there would be pixel every inch. Given the dimensions of your sign in inches, this would mean that it displays images that are around 112 x 64 pixels. As images go, this is a very small image.

I would suggest that you calculate the exact number of pixels in each direction, and then make up a couple of test patterns of exactly that size and see if the sign accepts & displays them correctly. I would suggest making some simple geometric patterns, say, squares of different colors, and sending these to the sign in an uncompressed format such as TIF or BMP.

Let us know how that goes, and we"ll proceed from there.

