The example you show can be easily improved in Photoshop. If you see the letters that extend out of the fields, such as the ear, those letters can be constrained so that they don't go outside the outlines.
Each drawn piece can go on a separate layer, such as the ear. You draw the ear, pen tool is best for that. Then fill it with a chosen color. Take the words that you've done according to either of the explanations above, copy merge them into one layer (copy-merge will preserve the layers but put them all together on one. Make sure this layer is above your ear. Now hold the alt/opt key and click between the two layers. Move the words around if they get clipped off, transform them, or select and move with the move tool. Or you can redo them on the multiple text layers, the ones you merged earlier.
Lots of different methods in PS to do the same or similar things.
Get back to us if you have problems or questions. Post your work, if you don't mind, so we can see what you came up with. Thanks.