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How do I apply a gradiant to a photoshop image?

Bill Thompson

Hello Forum. I am new to photoshop.

How do I apply a gradiant to a photoshop image?

I have tried looking at a number of online blogs and instructions but they were the wrong version -- or they assumed too much knowledge that I did not have and thus stepped over some steps.

I am using Photoshop version CS6

Specifically, what I am trying to do is this. I have an image that I want to fade to white on the left side. In other words, if you look from the right side to the left side, it will appear as if it fades away into white. I want it to be a very uniformed fade as well.

Is there a good tutorial somewhere that I can follow?
Dear Sir,

I Want You to Make a New Layer by going to the Layer Menu, Layer> New>.

Now, go to Edit> Fill and Choose White from the Drop Down Menu.

Now Go to the Layers Palette, and Make Sure Your New White Layer is there.
Highlight the New Layer by Clicking on It.

Now, You will Add a Layer Mask. It is the Small Icon at the Base of the Layers Palette that looks like a
Small Square with a White Dot on it. Press that Icon and You Will See what is Called a Layer Mask appear next to the Image on your New White Layer.

A Layer Mask, is made to Hide and Reveal Portions of an Image. You Highlight the Layer Mask by Clicking on it. You can then Paint on it with Black Paint, or various Shades of Black by adjust the Opacity. The Level of Black Paint from 0 to 100% Percent Black determines How Much of the Image Below will Show Through the Layer You are Working on.

We will not be using a Paint Brush for this exercise, but it is important information to understand How a Layer Mask Works.

Instead of a Paint Brush, or Paint with a Gradient Direct on Your Image, We will Apply the Gradient to the Layer Mask Instead.

Now, go to the Tools Palette and Choose the Gradient Tool. It looks like a Small Square that is Half Black and Half White. Once You Have Selected it by Clicking with Your Mouse, Look to the Top up by the Menu List, and Click on the Box that Has a Black to White Shift Gradient in it, or Some Other Color. This is where You Choose the Gradient Pattern You Would like to Apply.

For Use on Layer Mask, Generally, Choose the Black to White Gradient. It will be the First Choice in the Gradient Menu.

Next, You will choose the Gradient Pattern by Clicking on the Gradient Style Buttons next to the Gradient Color Menu You just used.

Choose the First Icon which Looks very similar to the Gradient Icon. This is the Linear Gradient Pattern. Each of these Icons represent a Different Style of Gradient Pattern. You can Experiment with them later.

Make Sure in the Gradient Options Menu that runs just below the Main Items Menu, has the Normal Setting from the Drop Down Menu Actively Visible. And the Opacity Set at 100%.

OK! ...With Your Gradient Tool activated, go back to the Layers Palette and make sure the Layer Mask on your New White Layer is Highlighted. Now Go to the Canvas And Drag the Gradient Tool from the Side You Would Like to make the White Layer Transparent toward the Opposite side of the Image.

Click where You would like the Gradient to Begin, and Hold the Left Mouse button down, while You Drag to the Location where You would like Your Gradient to End. Release the Mouse button at that Point.

Approximately half of the Image You are Trying to Reveal should now be visible.

You will See immediately if You are Pleased with the Result?

If you are unhappy with the Result? ...You may re-apply the Gradient Over and Over again until You've got it really Close to what You were Hoping to Achieve.


Now, I will Teach You how to Adjust the Gradient after the Fact, to Help Achieve a More Accurate use of the Gradient.

With Your Layer Mask on the New White Layer, Still Highlighted, I want You to go to the Image Menu at the To of the Adobe Photoshop Application and choose, Image> Adjust> Levels.

You will Use the Levels Slider to Adjust How Much of Your Image is Revealed. It does this by Lightening and Darkening the Gradient You Applied to the Layer Mask. Adjust it until You are Happy with the Result and then Click OK!.

You Now have new knowledge that will not Only help Choose Gradients in the Future, but a Beginning Understanding of How You can Utilize Layer Masks to Hide and Reveal Parts of An Image.

These are Skill you will find Useful know matter what Level You choose to Educate Yourself in the Use of Photoshop.

Take Care, and Have Fun!

-Tracy Mapes
