Hello everyone :wave:
For a long time I have been editing my raw files with the software Canon provides (DPP). As CS6 was released my interest for Camera Raw took a new turn, and I've tried it. I am however experiencing 2 issues, which takes all the reasons for using it away for now.
Heavily increased noise by usage of Camera Raw
Any usage of Camera Raw seems to clutter my images with noise. Although I may not touch any editing process, as soon as the image is opened as a smart object, the noise is there.
This is incredibly annoying, as I am a photographer who appreciates clean, neat and clear photographs, and do everything in my power to not have any noise in my images.
The version I am using of Camera Raw is 7.0
Camera Raw displays raw files different than other programs
Alright, so what I mostly do is open my raw files in DPP, for the Auto Light Optimizer. Once adjusted after preference, I either overwrite the raw file, or save it as a new raw file. However, once I open that same raw file in Camera Raw, it looks completely different. Now I know that one has multiple options in the white balance (As shot and so on), I have tried them all, but no setting makes my photo appear like the original does.
I've also tried to open the same original raw file in DPP, and directly transfer it to photoshop, without any changes made. Opening the same raw file after, but through Camera Raw, and the results still differ just as much as if I adjust the Auto Light Optimizer settings.
While, in the example I am providing, the camera raw result does look better, it's beyond the point. I often take images in a certain way, and wish for them to stay that way, and only tweak some minor things in Camera Raw. Unfortunately this is not possible for me right now, and I feel rather frustrated over these 2 issues.
I feel I should also mention that I've noticed that there is a rather big size difference on the 2 files once open in photoshop. The TIF, transfered from DPP is nearly twice the size, compared to the smart object from Camera Raw. Wondering if this may mean that Camera Raw somehow compresses the raw file. Could that be a reason why I end up with so much noise?
To provide any information that might be needed, here it is:
Windows 7
Photoshop CS6
Camera Raw 7.0
DPP version:
Camera: Canon 600D
Lens: CANON EF 70-200MM F/2.8L USM
ISO of the photograph: 400
I would be forever thankful for some help to these issues, as I am very eager to start using Camera Raw.
Many thanks in advance!
For a long time I have been editing my raw files with the software Canon provides (DPP). As CS6 was released my interest for Camera Raw took a new turn, and I've tried it. I am however experiencing 2 issues, which takes all the reasons for using it away for now.
Heavily increased noise by usage of Camera Raw
Any usage of Camera Raw seems to clutter my images with noise. Although I may not touch any editing process, as soon as the image is opened as a smart object, the noise is there.
This is incredibly annoying, as I am a photographer who appreciates clean, neat and clear photographs, and do everything in my power to not have any noise in my images.
The version I am using of Camera Raw is 7.0
Camera Raw displays raw files different than other programs
Alright, so what I mostly do is open my raw files in DPP, for the Auto Light Optimizer. Once adjusted after preference, I either overwrite the raw file, or save it as a new raw file. However, once I open that same raw file in Camera Raw, it looks completely different. Now I know that one has multiple options in the white balance (As shot and so on), I have tried them all, but no setting makes my photo appear like the original does.
I've also tried to open the same original raw file in DPP, and directly transfer it to photoshop, without any changes made. Opening the same raw file after, but through Camera Raw, and the results still differ just as much as if I adjust the Auto Light Optimizer settings.
While, in the example I am providing, the camera raw result does look better, it's beyond the point. I often take images in a certain way, and wish for them to stay that way, and only tweak some minor things in Camera Raw. Unfortunately this is not possible for me right now, and I feel rather frustrated over these 2 issues.
I feel I should also mention that I've noticed that there is a rather big size difference on the 2 files once open in photoshop. The TIF, transfered from DPP is nearly twice the size, compared to the smart object from Camera Raw. Wondering if this may mean that Camera Raw somehow compresses the raw file. Could that be a reason why I end up with so much noise?
To provide any information that might be needed, here it is:
Windows 7
Photoshop CS6
Camera Raw 7.0
DPP version:
Camera: Canon 600D
Lens: CANON EF 70-200MM F/2.8L USM
ISO of the photograph: 400
I would be forever thankful for some help to these issues, as I am very eager to start using Camera Raw.
Many thanks in advance!