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Selection now crops to canvas size...HELP!

I don't get why it's a big deal that is go's off the canvas?? As long as you get the same cut what's the difference? This is something very, very simple to achieve...
yes, see message above...

You didn't say what happens if you drag either of the selections. The reason I ask is, if I make a rectangular selection beyond the edge in CS5 it snaps to the layer edges ( as you describe with the ellipse). However, if I make the rectangle selection inside, then drag it, it will extend beyond the edge.
but will still only show what is within the canvas.I'm confused as to what you are trying to do?
You didn't say what happens if you drag either of the selections. The reason I ask is, if I make a rectangular selection beyond the edge in CS5 it snaps to the layer edges ( as you describe with the ellipse). However, if I make the rectangle selection inside, then drag it, it will extend beyond the edge.

Yes, that works as you describe. But let's say in your above graphic you want a circular arc above the text that goes off the side edges (which means the circle width is going to be larger than your canvas)...when you drag the large circle and let go, it will be cropped, so when you stroke it you''ll have the stroke on the left, top and right as well as the arc. Even more annoying is what if I drag the circle and didn't get the placement right the first time, I'd like to move it around before stroking it, with it cropping the way it does I obviously can't do that.
The shapewill still be intack you will just see what is on canvas as long as it remains psd
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Yes, that works as you describe. But let's say in your above graphic you want a circular arc above the text that goes off the side edges (which means the circle width is going to be larger than your canvas)...when you drag the large circle and let go, it will be cropped, so when you stroke it you''ll have the stroke on the left, top and right as well as the arc. Even more annoying is what if I drag the circle and didn't get the placement right the first time, I'd like to move it around before stroking it, with it cropping the way it does I obviously can't do that.

I'm trying to help but your responses are cryptic. You start by saying it works as described but then you're describing how it doesn't work. Very confusing. If you could be specific it would really help. An answer should be, yes I tried making a circle in the center and dragging it, and it does work or no it does not work it still snaps to the border. One or the other.

From your response again I still don't know the answer to the questions I've asked 3 times.
