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Photoshop Challenge Week #10


Power User
Hey everybody give a round of applause to Paul for week 9 challenge.

Thanks Paul for asking me to do challenge number 10.

This week may seem like kind of a drag to some but I enjoy working with channels and channel based selections. So this week we have HAIR SELECTIONS.

For Hair Selections you can see this thread from earlier this week where I did a tut to select hair. http://www.photoshopgurus.com/forum...background-these-two-images-2.html#post113532

Its post number 12 in that thread.

There are also various tutorials to follow on youtube for hair selection.

Here is a compilation picture I have done recently.
Good Luck and Have Fun!!!!
Hair is probably the hardest of all photoshop 'asks', this will be a hard but well worth while challenge.
It is a good challange.

I'm in but as usually for me it'll take several days before my inspiration and imagination wakes up :)
i had a quick go with a tiger.

this was my first try cutting out hairy beasts in such a way, so do excuse me if i have missed parts or it doesn't look right.
I think it's an excellent challenge. It's something we've all seen done badly many times - and most of us have mucked it up ourselves.

*off to find inspiration*
Very nice examples Stric9. Like I said in another thread, you're my hero! Don't get too big a head though, you're not my only her, LOL. I like this challenge. I'm glad I recently tried the channels method I found. Now I'll look for some others, including yours. Thanks a bunch. It is useful and makes a big difference in this kind of extraction looking awful and amateurish vs. pretty cool and guru-ish!
