Re: YOUR PHOTO THREAD 20130507a: Your Favorite Photographs Of All Time
@iDad - I never have seen any print that benefited from being scanned above 600 dpi.
@Paul - What's the size of the print in inches?
However, if it's humanly possible, scan it in color (even tho it's B&W), scan it at 16 bpi bit depth, and save to a 16 bpi TIF, not an 8 bpi JPG.
If the surface is textured, in addition to the normal scan orientation, also scan it at around 10, 20, 40 and 90 degrees relative to square. The reason is because this most surface textures are at either 0, 30, 45, 60 or 90 degrees and scanning at oddball intermediate angles allows us to average out the surface texture in PS.
WRT to retouching, sure, the PSG regulars can fool around with it, but professional art conservators strongly adhere to the policy that one should always keep (ie, archive) an un-retouched version along with any retouched versions. There are many reasons for this, not the least of which is maintaining the veracity of the image, but also to allow for better re-touchers to come along in the future, likely with better software.