you know, it's funny...that was the very first time i asked for pay on one of my edits...
You're a relatively new member here
We've gone around and around on this free edit thing for a long time, way before you joined.
What we prefer is people ask for assistance in doing PS edits.
What we get sometimes is people just looking for free edits with no interest at all in learning PS.
In the past we usually allowed all of these requests and let the members decide whether or not they wanted to do the edit.
Some of our members like these posts and look at them as opportunities and challenges to do something different, something to practice on.
Others think it's ridiculousness to spend hundreds of dollars on a program and years of time learning how to use the program, just to give away your work.
Here at PSG we let you the member decide which side of the issue you agree with.
Edit or don't edit, we don't care, but these threads and posts aren't the place to debate the issue.
Anyone can post a request, the staff will decide which ones stay and which ones get deleted.
Any requests that make it past the moderators will be done for free.
If nobody want's to do the edit that's fine but asking for payment or flaming the OP is not acceptable.