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Replicate this style...

Create separate shadow layer below the green stripe layer and use Transform Warp to move the cental part of the shadow upwards hiding it behind the stripe layer.
Here are a couple links on the forum that may help you :



You can even get a plugin if you want something extra fancy


Welcome to the forum Tom. For future reference, you didn't need to make 5 posts to upload an image. In the reply window there is a box with a tree image. Hover over that and you will see it says insert image. You then have the option of upload from computer or link to img. Thanks.
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The main problem of your shadow is that it is more blurry at the distance and harder near the edge of the paper. Thats a problem of Photoshop as well. It can not make blurrrience gradientally.

Webdesigners usually draw a black shape and blur it manualy with... mmm.. a blur tool. Then they make an alpha for the channel using black-white gradient.

But Photoshop does make gradient blur. The point is using "Lens Blur" with gradient alpha.

1) Make a black rectangle.
2) Make a gradient alpha
3) Turn alpha off

4) Go into Lens Blur
5) Depth Map - Layer Mask

5) Make layer to Multiply

Though the version raikkonen has created if perfectly acceptable, the sample you're trying to duplicate is much more dramatic and uses two different levels of shadows referred to as cast and grounding shadows. Here's how this kind of shadow is done: Make your shadow with 2 layers. A grounding shadow layer and a cast shadow layer. Create your basic corner shape with a vector path. Fill path with black. Duplicate your layer. The bottom layer will be your cast shadow. Gaussian blur it quite a bit and set layer to 80% opacity. The top layer will be your grounding shadow. Gaussian blur it less and leave at 100% opacity. Make sure both layers are set to "Multiply". You can now move either layer around to achieve the desired effect realistic effect. Select both layers, hit CMD-G to place them in a group, then use the layer mask to create the edge on top.
There's another way to create such shadows.

1. Draw a black rectangle.
2. Apply "Radial blur".

3. Transform - Warp.

4. Erase something.
I think this can be achieved this way:

1. Make the black to transparent gradient layer under your strip layer, turn it to Smart Object
2. Scale and position this layer as shown:


3. Go to Distort mode and move the left bottom corner point right over the left upper point:


This way you get the right gradient from black on the top to fully transparent at the diagonal line

4. As a final touch add Gaussian blur to shadow Smart Object with proper mask:


Almost everything stays editable and tweakable:lol:
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Yep, nice technique.
SCTRWD da man. Once an expert - always an expert, skill can't be drunk away.:cheesygrin:

I think it's the best solution. It's possible to make point shadows, rectangle shadows, shadows from bended stuff, eg wheels.
Here's some illustrations of what can be done in such a way.

Thank you, raikkonen.
Once an expert - always an expert, skill can't be drunk away.:cheesygrin:

Lol, that was pretty much Russian-like:cheesygrin:

Liked your post about Radial Blur... In fact, I was just writing my own post about it myself but you "passed me over":). Good job!
There have been some great replies in this thread and I have bookmarked it in my tutorials folder. It's always good to have a forum thread to give out. Good job everybody!

and raikkonen, you have to have 10 posts (I believe that's the #) before you can make edits
