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Advice for starting a photoshop meetup group


If this was the wrong place to ask I'm really sorry. But this does regard photoshop. I'm trying to start a meetup group in my town, but I'm having a heck of a time getting people. I know there's an interest and I would even be willing to translate tutorials to gimp(for those that can't afford photoshop at the moment) to help people learn image editing in general (though I really love how simple it can be to do most things in photoshop).

What I've done so far is make a group facebook page, which I figured out 2 days ago isn't searchable. I'm thinking of starting a website at the suggestion of my media professor, but I'm not so certain that will bring many(if any) new members for a local meetup.

I'm sorry if I'm being dense, but would anyone happen to have some advice on how to get interest and people? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
if this is for locals then make up some flyers and distribute them all around town or even surrounding towns, malls, stores, gas stations........schools etc etc....... sometimes a bit of footwork, works
Or ask local school websites if you can post some type of notice on there internet pages

just a suggestion or 2
I guess I'll start at the college. I'm just afraid of investing money and time to ziltch returns you know? I could try the Laundry mat, those usually have bulletin boards in them. I can call the local mall but they don't really like allowing any sort of advertising unless you're willing to pay quite a bit for it. I'll start calling stores up around town then and try to get permission to give out flyers, well actually I think I'll design a flyer first. Thanks for the advice, if you think of anything else though let me know. I have a bad habit of overlooking obvious things.
You can try your local computer service shop. ... if they're willing to give you leads of their customers who they know do graphics. They may allow you to display your flyer.

Or why not your local art supply shop? Printing Bureau?

Get to know 1 or 2 users, they will help spread the news...... pyramid style....
Now that's what I'm talking...er, writing about! The place I'm thinking to meetup is a locally owned and operated restaurant/computer repair shop, I didn't even think of them, man I'm slow. I'm not totally sure if we have a local art supply shop anymore, but we do have a two that hire teachers for a weekly class, usually it doesn't involve computers but maybe I could talk them into something. It's worth a shot at least. I'm not sure what a printing bureau is... Google, I've failed you... Well I can't find any associations or groups for printers in my area... But it just occurred to me to bring a flyer to all the hotels and such in town! There are always event pamphlets in hotels so maybe I can get re-occurring out of town peeps. I went to start on a flyer and it occurred to me that 352734234759505 may not be something that people want to type while searching for the group page so I think I'll make a website and then direct people there with info on our group page and meetup schedules.
All great suggestions above.

Funny,no matter how advanced the internet, good old fashioned advertising can be key. Why focus on hotels? those are essentially transients and it will take a ton of flyers to generate one interested person; more likely than not that is. I'd say don't neglect schools, including hs and adult ed, espec if they have any art classes. Amazing how many younger artists are into and darn good at PS -- and us older folk too.

You don't need to spend a lot of money to make cheap flyers; more likely your investment will be time. On your flyer, list webpage, FB, and maybe get a twitter account!
Hotel may be useless... unless you have graphic designers dropping in - if it ever happens.

I'd rather hang a flyer at the cyber cafe or gaming shop. Now GAMING SHOP - if there's anyone creating graphics for games, they might be there.

Got a home printer? Print the flyer yourself.
Okay this is just to reiterate (and hopefully retain) the advice at the moment:
1. Print Flyers and post at:
a) College/Secondary/High Schools
b) Gaming/Art/Cyber Stores (I should probably try places like Game Stop, Starbucks, and Bookstores with wifi then right?)
2. Actually Talk to and Ask if:
a) Computer Repair shops might know anyone who might be interested.
b) If Schools in general say no to flyers, if there is an alternative means of advertisement they might consider fit. (like if main campus says no flyers for outside groups, seeing if flyers at the actual campus dorms are okay?)
The help you all have given me, iDad, dv8_fx, ibclare is incredibly useful. I know it's a diagnosis many people seem to think they have these days, but I genuinely have Aspergers. I can overlook some really obvious things so if you guys can think of anything else at all even if it seems stupidly obvious please let me know. I have a tendency to focus a little too much on the subject and not enough on the people, your insights have been incredibly helpful.
Well then, this is a good thing for you; to get out and meet and greet, then hopefully get people together based on a mutual interest. Great way to socialize. I mean, look at us, lol! So come back to the forum; maybe you'll pick up ideas for your PS group meetings. At least you can let us know how it's going.

Don't forget to add those adult school classes if your town has them.
One thing...please don't be disappointed if you don't get a lot of turnout.

Using Photoshop is essentially a solitary pursuit. While there is rampant interest in Photoshop itself, there might not be a lot of interest in getting together and talking about it. I've tried on several occasions to get a regular group together on several topics of interest. People would rather go to a class or watch a webcast or view a tutorial.

Good luck!
